
We are a construction company that operating in this sector since 1977.

Ever since our company was created by the will of our Holder Mr. Cesare INDINO, the company has specialized in the field of restructuration, maintenance of civil and industrial buildings and restoration of great historical and architectural value heritage.

We’ve always offered professionalism, reliability and competence in helping our customers with their choices of which interventions to be realized, in order to get a result which was as close as possible to their expectations.

Another aspect that sets us apart is dynamism, since we offer materials and services without ever losing sight of the traditional nature of our land and its materials.

Our constant desire to improve ourselves and grow led us, in 1996, to operate in the public works field, an area in which we have achieved brilliant results, becoming the trustworthy enterprise of numerous institutions such as Municipalities, the province of Lecce, ASL, etc. and creating works and interventions that will last in time.

Since 2005 we own SOA certification and we are currently certified for OG1 class III ^ (works up to € 1,000,000.00) and OG2 class II ^ (works up to € 500,000.00) which confirms our company’s moral, technical-organizational and financial capacities.

Since 2011 we are also certified under the quality management system according to UNI EN ISO 9001/2008.

Members of the company are:

Cesare Indino – Holder

Cesare IndinoBorn in Specchia (Le) on 11.02.1955. When he was a child he attended nursery and middle school in Specchia and at the same time he helped his family in the fields. At the age of 15, he completed compulsory school and started the profession of plasterer – tile retailer at a master mason in Specchia who gave him all his knowledge about handicraft. As he concluded the experience of military service, he went back to Specchia where he created his own small artisan company personally following the yards and the relationships with technicians and customers.

Beniamino Indino – Technical Director

Beniamino IndinoBorn in Tricase (Le) on 01/08/1983. As he completed compulsory school, driven by the passion for the world of construction he enrolled at Geometri Technical Institute in Casarano, where he graduated brilliantly in June 2002. In September of the same year he signed up at the Faculty of Law in Perugia to follow the studies of Corporate Law After graduating in September 2005 he moved to the Faculty of Law of Bari, where he graduated with honors.
Since 2009 he takes care of the administrative management of the company in which he currently also holds the role of technical director.

Our values

The customer and his satisfaction have always been the reference point of our business . We believe that relations and behaviour, at all levels, should be based on principles of honesty, fairness, integrity, transparency and mutual respect With our clients we have a constant dialogue based on the exchange of clear and correct information aimed at obtaining the best result.

We believe that:

  • The middle point is the person with his needs;
  • Human resources should be enhanced through training and constant updating;
  • The customer has to become an integral part of our organization to increase its level of involvement and satisfaction;
  • The surrounding environment must be respected and protected;
  • Relating with the community around us is an important factor in the personal and social development and it can improve the quality of life.

Our mission

Our mission is to realize building interventions that meet the needs and expectations of customers, even the most demanding, that require reliability and competence in the realization of structures and finishings in order to obtain the maximum living and environmental comfort.

We pursue this goal by directly managing all phases of the work and involving the customer in the choices giving him/her total freedom of customization.

We have formalized this commitment to quality through the establishment and implementation of a Company Quality System according to UNI EN ISO 9001 and 2008 rules.


ISOSOA Certificate.

Certificato INDINO CESARE - iso immagineSOA - INDINO CESARE immagine

Pizza Del Popolo 22 Specchia (LE) +39 0833.535534

Cesare Indino – Impresa Edile

Sede legale: via Martiri d'Otranto 5 - 73040 - Specchia (LE)

Ufficio: Piazza del Popolo 24 - 73040 - Specchia (LE)

Tel/fax +39 0833.535534

P. IVA 00846310753

Cod. Fis. NDN CSR 55B11 I887P
